Necessary in immigration


Transferring employees (temporarily) to another country, with a different culture, is no sinecure. Not for you as an employer, but also for your employee and his family such a move is quite a challenge. Dutch Expat Solutions is active throughout the Netherlands and takes all official tasks off your hands professionally. In the few days that we personally accompany your employee along the various official bodies, we arrange all the necessary arrangements, such as visas & permits. With the most important part being the most efficient and appropriate work and residence permit for your new employee and family.


  • Family situation inventory
  • Request and collect required documents;
  • Applying for visa, work and residence permit
  • Inform about applying for/picking up the visa abroad
  • Pick up from airport or hotel during business hours
  • Making appointments with the agencies
  • applications BSN number (citizen service number)
  • biometrics appointment at the IND (fingerprint/photo)
  • collection of residence permit
  • register with the municipality
  • tuberculosis test at the GGD
  • Personal guidance to the various agencies;

Wijzigingen in werk- of verblijfsvergunning

Completely unburdened by the relocation of your employee?


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